Jordi Morató
Ph.D. in Microbiology, with 20 years of experience in research, education and management of sustainable human development projects related to resources (water, soil, biodiversity) and circular economy and participatory community development at local and regional level. Founding member of RECNET (www.recitynet.org). He has participated in more than 80 internationally funded research, training and knowledge transfer projects (1996-2018), applying his experience in the field of water quality, appropriate technologies for water purification and wastewater treatment, sustainable management of water, including water management and adaptation to climate change, resilience, and the design and development of urban and socio-ecological transformation projects. He has made more than 60 scientific and dissemination publications, including scientific publications, books and congress communications, and is reviewer of more than 22 international journals.

Leonardo Martín Prez
Microbiology Lab Director
Founder Member and member of the Executive Team of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability. Expert in energy and environment issues: renewable energies, energy efficiency, management, technologies, environmental conflicts and methodological guides for the preparation of municipal energy plans.
Activist and social facilitator in Terrassa. Founder of the "Taula de l'Aigua", local platform for remunicipalization of water.
Rosario Pastor
Responsible for Strategic Projects
Ph.D. in Chemical Process Engineering by the UPC (2003), Master in Water Technology by the UPC (1997). Technical Engineer of Public Works with Specialization in Hydrology, UPC (2003). Environmental Engineer by the National University of Engineering of Lima-Peru (1990).
She has more than 25 years of experience in research aimed at: i) Optimization strategies for the reuse of wastewater, ii) Evaluation of toxicological risk in ecosystems, iii) Recovery of aquatic media through phytoremediation with autochthonous vegetation, iv) Social Entrepreneurship and International Cooperation for Development.

Javier Alvarez del Castillo
Coordinator of Environmental Engineering
University School Professor from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UPC. Industrial Engineer-UPC (Col nº19143). Master Degree in Finite Element Method CIMNE-UPC. PhD from the UPC. Lead Auditor ISO 50001 Tüv Nord.
Founding member of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainability.
Former Rector Delegate at the Terrassa Campus 2002-2006 and former Director of the PhD program in Sustainability 2003-2010. Accredited to participate in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in Geneva.
Duvan H. López Meneses
Research Collaborator. RECNET President
Duván López from Bogotá, Colombia. Graduated in Geology, specialized in environment and risk management with master studies in Contemporary Philosophy from the University of Granada Spain.
Experienced in risk assessment and analysis of environmental conflicts, especially for the public sector. Technical deputy on Risk Management for the city of Bogotá during the period 2012 to 2015, being in charge of public policies designing and implementation for risk and resilience. Since 2018 is the new president of the network RECNET (www.recitynet.org).
Brent Villanueva
Technical Secretary
Economist. Master in Sustainability with specialization in evaluation of sustainable policies of the UPC. Diploma in Systems Dynamics from the UPC Foundation. Expert in Circular Economy. Editor of the Report "Situation and Analysis of the Circular Economy in Spain, of the COTEC Foundation, Candidate for the Ph.D. in Sustainability by the UPC.
Luis Díaz
Technical Secretary - UNESCOSOST Office in Monteria (Universidad de Cordoba).
Industrial engineer from the University of Córdoba (Colombia). Experience in the areas of research, management and formulation of projects, and design of socioeconomic indicators. With foundations in basic sciences, operations research, administration and finance, with skills in organization and management of goods and services companies. Within the framework of the UNICORDOBA-UNESCOSOST agreement, he was awarded the 6 month research grant, collaborating with the project ECORKWASTE LIFE14 ENV / ES / 000460. Currently serves as the technical secretary and project coordinator in the UNESCOSOST Colombia Joint Office in Monteria, in the Universidad de Cordoba.

Jose Luis Martin Bordes
Partnerships for sustainable water and sanitation services
He is a civil engineer and water expert with 15 years of experience in the UN system working in the development of capacities of water and sanitation utilities in the Global South as Officer in Charge of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA) of UN-Habitat in Nairobi and Barcelona. He also worked in groundwater resources management, transboundary waters cooperation and urban water management in UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme (IHP) in Paris and as Academic Officer in the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC) at the United Nations University (UNU) in Bonn.
Beatriz Escribano Rodríguez de Robles
Formation Coordinator. Executive Team
Technical Textile Engineer and Degree in Humanities, Doctor in Sustainability from the UPC. Currently coordinator of the Senior Citizen Diploma at the UPC, and member of the team of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability.
Expert in water issues and sustainability: sustainable technologies in water management, case studies of water as a source of conflicts and the shortage of fresh water in the world.

Olga Lucía Sanchez Santander
Project Developer and Analyst
Physical Engineer from the University of Cauca with a Master's Degree in Mechatronic Systems from the University of Brasilia, with experience in research processes of new materials, design of experimental processes and development of block material through instrumental techniques of analysis and characterization. Olga participated in projects in which matter and energy interact carrying out environmentally friendly solutions for energy generation.
With extensive experience in public investment projects and work with ethnic groups.
Jaqueline Chuquillanqui Gómez
International Relations Coordinator for South America
Environmental and Development Engineer from the Universidad Zamorano, Honduras. Specialist in environmental management and sustainable development. Leader in initiatives of productive management of natural resources and climate change. Organizer of international events on issues related to sustainable agriculture, environmental biotechnology. Project management in rural entrepreneurship and empowerment of women.

María Gabriela Paraje
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Sciences from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina
Has a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Sciences from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, and has a degree in Pharmacy and also a degree in Biochemistry from the same university. In addition, she obtained the Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainers from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Currently, she is a Senior Professor of Microbiology (full-time, permanent member) at the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, National University of Córdoba. Since 2005, she has been a member of the Research Career of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
Dr. Paraje has 25 years of research experience, of which the last 15 years have been dedicated to research, education, and management of projects related to bacterial and fungal biofilms and different strategies for their eradication, by focusing on persister cell subpopulations and the role of oxidative and nitrosative stress in biofilms. More recently, she has also been focusing on antimicrobial emerging strategies using nanomaterials and carrying out studies concerning the preservation and conservation of our cultural heritage from microbiological attack.
Carmen Malvar
Collaborator. Founder of Atelier Malvar + Tusch
Carmen Malvar is Doctor in Social Design and member of the international GIS research group for Retail and Service Futures as part of the Design Research Society (DRS) with 20 years of experience on leading team work based on design practice. Her research and practice are guided by the commitment to the development and implementation of strategies, products, services and sustainable business models that support conditions for change and serve as vectors of transformation in underserved communities with the goal of fostering social inclusion through interactions between culture, commerce and identity within the global economy. Carmen has worked on projects developed with indigenous communities in the highlands of Mexico and currently searching the social and ecological impact of global industries and their back stage production, designing and implementing strategies where their production process and distribution chain shares the concern with stakeholders and the community. She is the founder of CADA a Platform for Understanding Cultural Heritage through Social Design. Carmen works regularly as a consultant and speaker for various institutions, local governments, foundations and academia.
Denís Huamaní Huamaní
Research Collaborator. International Relations Assistant
Environmental and Development Engineer from the Universidad Zamorano, Honduras. Specialist in management and integral management of solid waste, environment and basic sanitation, environmental control, formulation and evaluation of projects and management of investment projects. As a professional, he makes all his efforts to promote and raise awareness in society with an environmental education and culture in favor of a sustainable society.
Lena Yanina Estrada Añokazi
Research Collaborator. Intangible Cultural Heritage Area
Indigenous Uitoto Minɨka, community that inhabits its ancestral territory: Nofuɨco -La Chorrera-, in the Colombian Amazon. Politologist from the National University of Colombia -UN. PhD Candidate in Sustainability at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia -UPC-.
His studies and actions are focused on reflection, management, advice on development models, sustainable alternatives and political analysis in scenarios with indigenous and vulnerable populations. He has contributed in processes of the indigenous peoples, in the vindication of rights of diverse social sectors; contributing to the creation and implementation of public policies for the protection of the territory, biodiversity, traditional knowledge, human rights, the dignity of women, the participation of youth, the protection of children, the promotion of art and culture, and the agreement with various actors for the construction of peace.
Asthriesslav Rocuts
Collaborator. Sustainability-EdTech & Strategic Alliances
Asthriesslav Rocuts is a PhD collaborator of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability. She holds B. Science in Physics, Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development, Master in Sustainability, PhD in ‘Sustainability, Technology and Humanism’ and MBA. She is an expert on a variety of subjects, such as global issues, strategic and systemic thinking, EdTech, strategic alliances and international cooperation, integral sustainability applied, integrated strategic planning, among others.
Rafael Oliveira do Prado
Technical Area. International and Comparative Environmental Law
Collaborator of the Chair since February 2013. Lawyer graduated in Legal Sciences and Master in Environmental Law from the Environmental Law Center of Tarragona, Rovira i Virgili University, PhD in Law and Political Science at the University of Barcelona with emphasis in International Law of the environment. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), South American Network for Environmental Refugees (RESAMA) and the Academic Association of the United Nations (ACUNS).

Enric Carrera
Executive Team
Full professor (UPC). PhD in Textile Engineering from the UPC. Textile Technical Engineer. Master in Textile and Paper Engineering, Master in Environmental Education, Master in Environmental Bussiness Management. Director of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability (2002-2008). Vice-president of the Latin American Forum of Environmental Sciences (FLACAM). Winner of the Award for quality in university teaching of the Social Council of the UPC (2002). He has worked on the implementation of the "Sustainable UPC Plan" in this university, curricular design and preparation of educational materials for sustainability in university technology studies. He has also worked on topics related to textile physics and the objective evaluation of fabrics, an area in which he is the author of several indexed publications. He is currently the Director of the Institute of Textile Research and Industrial Cooperation of Terrassa INTEXTER-UPC, being involved in various projects of implementation of policies and sustainable technologies in the textile industry
Nicola Tollin
Research Collaborator. RECNET Secretary. Professor wsr in Urban Resilience SDU Civil and Architectural Engineering, Department of Technology and Innovation
The focus of Nicola's primary research is sustainable development oriented towards the design and planning processes of sustainable transition for cities and their regions. His research has focused on the integrated assessment of sustainability, future scenarios (vision, foresight and retrospection), the thinking system, decision-making processes, strategic planning and analysis of stakeholders. He has participated as an evaluator in several research and training programs funded by the EU, using his experience in climate change, waste management, resource efficiency, energy and material cycles. Recently, Nicola's research activities have focused on sustainable production and consumption through the analysis of individual and social perception of waste and resources.
Apolinar Figueroa Casas
Profesor en la Universidad del Cauca, Popayán
Profesor Titular de la Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. Director del Grupo de Estudios Ambientales (GEA), Universidad del Cauca. Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas y Magíster en Ecología de la Universidad de Barcelona (España). Sus áreas de trabajo son: Ecología y gestión del recurso hídrico; cambio y variabilidad climática. El profesor Figueroa ha escrito más de seis libros en sus áreas de trabajo y múltiples artículos en reconocidas revistas indexadas.
Jorge Montoya
UNESCOSOST Colombia Joint Office Coordinator
Biologist and Master in Teaching-Technology from the University of Antioquia. Participation in multiple conferences and seminars as an assistant, as a speaker and as an organizer. Columnist in important specialized magazines. He has published several books on research results, in which he participated. He has received several recognitions for his investigative work, among which are the Colombian Prize for Educational Computing, Ministry of National Education - RIBIE-Col - (1996); Excellence Group in the COLCIENCIAS ladder, Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation, Colciencias - (1999); the Annual Research Prize, University School of Administration, Finance and Technology (EAFIT) (1999) and the Technological Research Award of Antioquia (2009).
Heraldo Peixoto da Silva
UNESCOSOST Bahia UFBA Joint Office Coordinator
Specialization in General and Applied Hydrology - Center of Experimentation and Public Works of Spain. Master's degree in Soil Science by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Master's Degree in Evaluation and Correction of Environmental Impacts - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. PhD in Engineering and Sustainable Management of Soil and Water - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is currently a professor / researcher at the Department of Geography at the Geosciences Institute from the Federal University of Bahia.
Coordinator of the UNESCOSOST-UFBA Brazil - UPC Joint Office.
Paulo Gomes
UNESCOSOST Bahia UFBA Joint Office Co-Coordinator
Bachelor's and Master's degree in Physics and PhD in Electrical Engineering / Biomedical Engineering, all from the State University of Campinas. He is currently Assistant Professor of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and Coordinator of Creation and Innovation (NIT) of this same university.
He is also coordinator of innovation projects, funded by FAPESB and the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SECTI).
Co-Coordinator of the UNESCOSOST-UFBA Brazil - UPC Joint Office.
Alex Pires
Collaborator. UNESCOSOST Bahia Joint Office.
Civil Engineer from the Federal University of Bahia and researcher of the UNESCO Chair of Sustainability. Master in Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Bahia. PhD in Sustainability from the UPC. He was responsible for development programs and multilateral agreements on environment and ecosystems in the Regional Office of the United Nations Environment Program in Panama. Responsible for research and advisor for Latin America of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability. With extensive experience in management of water resources, biodiversity, sanitation and climate change.
Josep Pont
Professor. NAEA. Universidad Federal de Pará, Belem (Brasil)
Bachelor in Sociology - Bielefeld University - Germany (1986). Master in Political Sociology - Bielefeld University (1987). PhD in Political Sociology at the University of Barcelona (1997). Associate professor and researcher at the Center for Advanced Amazon Studies (NAEA_UFPA). Experience as visiting professor in several Latin American and Brazilian universities. Experience and performance in the area of Public Policies and Government with the work carried out in the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB - Washington), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), the Institute of Economic, Social and Environmental Development from Pará (IDESP) and the Institute of Applied Research (IPEA) (Brasilia). It also operates in the areas of Research Methodology, Public Policies, Planning and Public Management, with emphasis on the following topics: Public Policies, Social Policy, public sphere and the State collective action. He is currently coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Public Management and Development. (Federal University of Pará-NAEA).
Hermilo Salas Espíndola
Professor. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
PhD. in architecture. Research Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) since 1969. Founder of the Field of Knowledge in Economics, Politics and Environment. Responsible for the Sustainable Design of the Masters and Doctorate Programs in Architecture and Urbanism of the UNAM since 2001. He has participated in the construction of more than 80 architectural works and directed more than 35 master's and 15 doctoral theses. Currently considered one of the best architects in Mexico.
Enrique Navarro Frómeta
UNESCOSOST UTIM-UPC Joint Office Coordinator
He has a degree in chemistry, specializing in petrochemical chemistry and petrochemical synthesis, and a Ph.D. in chemical sciences. Currently a full-time research professor at the Technological University of Izúcar de Matamoros (UTIM). He has published more than 64 articles and directed 2 doctoral theses, 13 master's and 27 bachelor's theses.
Coordinator of the UNESCOSOST UTIM-UPC Joint Office at the Universidad Tecnológica de Izúcar de Matamoros, Puebla (México).
Josep Ligorred
Research Collaborator.
PhD in Management of Culture and Heritage from the University of Barcelona (UB). He studied the degree in archeology at the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH) and the Master of Anthropological Sciences at the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY). He is a full-time professor at the Faculty of Architecture of UADY.
For almost eight years he assumed the presidency of the Casal Catalán, a civil association at the Yucatan Peninsula, and was responsible for being the representative of the Catalan Communities of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean before the Advisory Council of the Catalan Communities abroad.

Alex Lima
Leader of UNESCO-SOST Transcriativa in Brazil
Creative thinker of Transcriativa and Glóbulo, with over 20 years of experience differentiating businesses worldwide through subversive creativity, sustainability and social impact. Alex is the creator of the Transformation 5.0 Methodology for People, Businesses, and Territories, which serves as the foundation for the UNESCO-SOST Joint Office in Brazil.
Alex also is author of books, producer of theater, mentor for startups, and the idealist behind some of Brazil's top acceleration programs. His journey includes the revitalization of leading organizations in the innovation and creativity scene, and he shares his knowledge as a professor of Postgraduate studies in Branding and Public Communication.

Natália Montibeller
Founder of Transcriativa - a joint office with the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability in Brazil
Industrial Engineer, mother of Emília, enthusiast of Brazilian "borogodó," and founder of Transcriativa - a joint office with the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability in Brazil.
She is a TEDx Speaker on the topic of "Brazil, the Land of Creative Transformation," recognized as one of the top 10 outstanding young Brazilians making an impact on entrepreneurship in the country by the Junior Chamber International. She is also a co-creator of web series, documentaries, and a community focused on creativity and its potential.
Today, Natália leads strategic relationships between experts, communities, and institutions to promote the value of Brazilian "borogodó."

Brndon Tavares
Collaborator of the Joint UNESCO-SOST Transcriativa Office.
Partner at Transcriativa, a Brazilian creativity movement dedicated to transforming individuals, businesses, and communities. He studied Economics at the Regional University of Joinville - Univille and holds expertise in commercial strategies. For a decade, he served as an account executive at leading technology companies in the country. Currently, he specializes in Creative Transformation with a focus on Diversity. His primary role involves managing and facilitating business strategies to make them more sustainable and aligned with the principles of the creative economy. Additionally, he works on establishing partnerships with other organizations and initiatives that share Transcriativa's ideals and collaborate with the Joint Office UNESCO-SOST Transcriativa.