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Situación y Evolución de la Economia Circular en España - Informe 2019 

Description: Second report published so far on 'The situation and evaluation of the circular economy in Spain', where it collects and analyzes the available indicators of this economic model, which represents a radical change in current production and consumption systems.

Start date: July 2018

End date: October 2019

Editor: Fundacion COTEC

Main authors:

Jordi Morató, UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the UPC. Luis M. Jiménez, Association for Sustainability and the Progress of Societies (ASYPS)

Nicola Tollin, Recycling Cities International Network RECNET



Brent Villanueva, UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at UPC

Atalya E. Montoya, Collaborator in UNESCO Chair on Sustainability UPC Duván Hernán López, President International Association Recycle City (RECNET)

José Luis de la Cruz, Association for Sustainability and Progress of Societies (ASYPS)

Elena Pérez Lagüela, Association for Sustainability and Progress of Societies (ASYPS)

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