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1st Int. Summit on Environmental Public Management & Sustainable Development


1st International Summit on Public Management and Sustainable Development was held in Huay-Huay, Peru, from July 6 to 7 (2019), coorganized by the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability.

Experts from 7 different countries met with mayors from the Dorado Valley of the Andes and 15 mayors from Honduras to look for applicable solutions to promote sustainable development at the local level.

The work has overcome everything

The work has overcome everything has been the theme of this meeting, as a reflection of international networking, to jointly seek solutions to the socio-environmental problems that affect many municipalities in the Andean region.

The commitment signed during the Summit guarantees the follow-up of this international event. The UNESCO Sustainability Chair has signed a collaboration agreement with the Vice-Minister of the Forest Conservation Institute (ICF) of Honduras, and the Huay-Huay mayor, Teodosio Zacarias Collachagua, to encourage networking and joint projects .

Agreement signature


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