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Announcing the Natura network of networks


The NATURA project (Nature-based Solutions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene) has been funded by the US National Science Foundation for US$2,000,000 for five years, with the participation of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability and RECNET as two of the founder members. 

NATURA is designed to be an international network of networks that exchange and synthesizes knowledge, data, and solutions among researchers and practitioners on nature-based solutions to advance urban resilience.

The NATURA Coordinating Committee:

Nancy B. Grimm; Arizona State University; Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx), Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN), US Long-Term Ecological Research network (LTER), International LTER (ILTER); PI

Timon McPhearson; The New School; UREx, ENABLE, Future Earth Urban Knowledge Action Network (KAN); co-PI

Elizabeth M. Cook; Barnard College-Columbia University; UREx, US LTER; co-PI

Yeowon Kim; Arizona State University; UREx; post-doc

Pippin Anderson; University of Cape Town; African Center for Cities

Harriet Bulkeley; Durham University; NATure-based URban innoVATION (NATURVATION)

Marcus Collier; Trinity College Dublin; Connecting Nature

Chantal van Ham; International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN); IUCN Urban Alliance

Jordi Morató; Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair on Sustainability, Recycle the City Network (RECNET)

Weiqi Zhou; Chinese Academy of Science; Chinese Academy of Science (CAS Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences)


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