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AQUARISC Project: Scholarships for master students


Until next May 17, 2018, the second call for the operation of resources to support Regional Master's studies in Colombia will be open.

Call 02-2018. Chapter 2. For the operation of support resources for regional master's studies under the agreement 42-2016 Gobernación del Cauca - Universidad del Valle.

The objective of the scholarship is to promote the training of human talent to carry out research and development activities, guaranteeing the achievement of results and the qualification of regional researchers within the framework of the project's objectives: "Analysis of vulnerability and implementation of early warnings for systems of water supply in the department of Cauca - AQUARISC "in which the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability participates.

In the following links you can consult the guidelines and the required documentation:Convocatoria 02-2018. Capítulo 2. Para la operación de los recursos de apoyo a estudios de maestría regionales en el marco del convenio 42-2016 Gobernación del Cauca – Universidad del Valle.

Guidelines Proposal:



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