The Ibero-American Network for the Use of Industrial Wastes for the Treatment of Soils and Polluted Water (RIARTAS), operated from 2010 to 2014, funded by CYTED, and constituted by a group of researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain and Portugal, who work in a collaborative environment to promote the development of activities aimed at environmental remediation.

RIARTAS was created within the framework of CYTED, the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development; an intergovernmental program of multilateral cooperation in Science and Technology, which includes different perspectives and visions to foster cooperation in Research and Innovation for Development in the Ibero-American Region.
The general objective of the network is "To develop and implement a methodology for remediation of contaminated water and soil using adsorbent materials obtained from industrial waste". Through the network, different researchers seek:
Process waste selected to optimize the adsorption efficiency of the same.
Obtain the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the adsorption process on the modified adsorbents
Evaluate the efficiency of the adsorbents to retain contaminants present in soil samples selected for the study.
Evaluate the efficiency of the adsorbents to retain pollutants present in wastewater samples selected for the study.
Analyze the combined effect of the adsorbents with the electrokinetic soil remediation technique.
Carry out a simulation study to analyze the mechanism of the adsorption process.
Carry out an economic evaluation of the different environmental applications where prepared adsorbents could be used.

Below you can download the series of books from the RIARTAS Network: