The UNESCO Chair on Sustainability, in partnership with ELISAVA, School of Design of Barcelona, launches the Executive Program for Policies for Resilience. The Executive program lasts six months and will begin on September 16, 2019

Terrassa, April 23, 2019
"Learning by doing" is the pedagogical methodology chosen for the program and available to different professionals involved in disciplines related in design, politics and resilience. The participants will work both individually and as a group and will also be able to participate actively in events such as Smart Cities and Barcelona Resilience Week, taking advantage of Barcelona's strategic position in the international context. The result of the training will consist of design projects for social transformation that impact from the local to the global.
The projects will be of a different nature: product design, services, or urban design, and will be aligned with the current International Agenda, with a holistic vision of what design must be to transform our societies.
Amaya Celaya, an expert on resilience at UN-Habitat Barcelona, Carmen Malvar, designer and architect and Jordi Morató, director of the Unesco Chair of Sustainability at the UPC, are the co-directors of this innovative program. The Elisava brand brings the experience of more than 50 years and the position among the 100 best design schools in the world.
"In the contemporary global scenario, the adaptive capacity of design can make the difference for a society to improve its welfare conditions in times of crisis or change. In addition, is necessary to train designers who know how to rethink the world and solve the real needs of our countries and our planet, "says Jordi Moratò, former director of UNESCOSOST.
To learn more about #DesignForTransformation and the Design Policies for Resilience Program, the information can be consulted on the Elisava website.