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¡El Maestro Llega! Education program for Embera-Katio community.


On October 12, "El maestro llega" begins, an ethno-education program organized by the Social Sciences Degree Program of the University of Córdoba in Colombia, in association with the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability, aimed at children and adults in the community of Pawarandó, belonging to the Emberá-Katío ethnic group of Alto Sinú.

The UNESCO Chair of Sustainability, and the Master of Social Sciences, are interested to empower ethno-education processes in these communities, in the absence of teachers, and to help strengthen the language.

With this program, the objective is to strengthen ethno-education in the department of Córdoba from different academic and cultural fields, through research on the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of this ethnic group.

The program has two distinct stages: in the first, teachers from the community will be trained to become professionals in the university and the second will consist in taking graduates of the program, through the accompaniment with graduates from the University of Córdoba in different areas, such as Social Sciences, Spanish, Environmental Engineers, etc.

For this visit to the indigenous community, a multidisciplinary team has been constituted by architects, anthropologists, doctors in human rights, industrial engineer, regional artist of the Department of Córdoba and a native professor, as well as a social science professor who will stay for 1 month serving as support in the education with the community.

Additionally, an eco-ethno-educational project is being developed to accompany tree planting processes, solid waste management and protection of the intangible heritage of indigenous communities, which seeks to strengthen their culture and the process of creating handicrafts.

Among the collaborating teachers are María Alejandra Taborda Phd in education, coordinator of the master's degree in Social Sciences and professor at the University of Cordoba, Luis Díaz, industrial engineer and technical secretary of the UNESCOSOST office at the University of Córdoba, Iván López, local artist from the city of Montería, and José Zamora, graduated in Social Sciences from the University of Cordoba. The latter will stay for 15 days in the community of Pawarando, conducting accompaniment activities on the educational process of children and adults in the community.

The visit was also attended by professors Massimo Leserri, PhD in Architecture and professor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Montería headquarters, and Edwin Caraballo Pérez, architecture student at the same university.

The project's objective is to strengthen the exchange of teachers and students with the Emberá Katío community.


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