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F.J. Escalante, Honduras vice-minister of forestry development, new UNESCOSOST collaborator.


Francisco Javier Escalante, Forestry Engineer with specialty in integrated river basin management, and Vice Minister of Forestry Development at the Forest Conservation Institute (ICF), from the Government of Honduras, joins this August as one of the expert researcher-collaborators in the UNESCOSOST network.

The UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the UPC signed a collaboration agreement with ICF, at the recent meeting held in Huay-Huay, Peru. Subsequently, and after exploring different ways of joint cooperation, it is decided to incorporate Professor Francisco Javier Escalante, as a collaborator-researcher of the UNESCOSOST-RECNET network in Latin America, with relevant functions as coordinator of International Relations for Honduras.

The main functions include, among others:

  1. Collaborate on competitive research proposals to request funds, scholarships or mutual benefits.

  2. To collaborate in the realization of informative and / or scientific publications related to the research projects in which I collaborate.

  3. Be in charge of international academic-institutional relations and other possible relations between Honduras and the UNESCOSOST-RECNET network.

The engineer Francisco Javier Escalante has had a brilliant career both in public management as ICF Deputy Minister, as Coordinator of the National Reforestation Program, as well as in the academy, highlighting his time as an instructor at the Escuela Agrícola Panamericana El Zamorano.

Wellcome Francisco to the UNESCOSOST network!!!


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