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Human Rights, Biocultural Heritage and Resilience of Resistance


Professor Maria Alejandra Taborda, from the University of Córdoba from Colombia, joins the advisory board of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability, collaborating in the establishment of the research line of Human Rights, Biocultural Heritage and Resilience of Resistances.

Faced with the collection of evidence that shows the impossibility of today's productive forms to preserve the systems of reciprocity and balance of nature, in relation to culture and man, some fields of knowledge back again, such as: pluriversity, interculturality and critical ecology, ecology of knowledge and good living, in addition to indigenous philosophies, to seek approaches that overcome this duality of a nature separated from its culture and a reified man.

This line of work from intervention and research actions seeks to consolidate a field of knowledge that initially encourages dialogue between traditional and scientific knowledge, as well as between traditional knowledge. Undoubtedly, there is a symbiotic relationship between the natural wealth of the planet, its cultural and linguistic diversity and its geographical overlap with the richest areas in biological diversity, the foregoing as a consequence of traditional and ancient practices of observation, care and creation of techniques effective protection and environmental management, called biocultural heritage.

Over time, communities from ancient experiences have incorporated survival strategies: forms of organization, commitment, linkage, incorporation of survival strategies and other experiences to establish new socio-environmental ties, which has allowed them to face the new adversities generated due to climate change, among others, community situated practices are generated with greater performance in decision-making to face problems, during their adversity, their mitigation, and management. This is how the joint action or resilience of resistance allows a relaxation of the adverse consequences to enhance adaptation and recovery processes.

Finally, the indigenous and peasant peoples have lived through processes of imposition and alienation, but also of resistance, which has allowed them to exercise appropriation and innovation, therefore, the fight for human rights is the fight for the rights of nature that they are intertwined, and allow greater performance of their community resources.

Professor Maria Alejandra Taborda is a PhD of Education / National Pedagogical University. She has a Master's degree in Geography / Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia – Agustín Codazzi Geographical Institute

Undergraduate/University: Geographer/ National University of Colombia

Undergraduate/University: Bachelor of Social Sciences/ National Pedagogical University

Member of the research group Society Imaginaries and Communication- SIC- A1

Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation

Director of the research hotbed for Historical Memory and Human Rights.

Full professor, University of Córdoba- Colombia

Coordinator of the research group of the Permanent Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (CPDH)


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