The 3rd webinar Incremental and radical solutions for critical infrastrucures under the webinar series:Urban Resilience: Facing global crisis at the time of pandemic, that serves also the capacity building course BLOXHUB Summer School on Urban Resilience 2020 will take place next June 4th. It is organized as an activity of the International Urban Resilience Academy coordinated by the University of Southern Denmark, in partnership with: BLOXHUB, Aalborg University, UN-Habitat, ICLEI, UNESCO – IHP, UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at UPC, UNDRR, ICCCAD, WWF, GERICS, CTC-N, IUAV, TU Delft, NURI, POLITO - R3C, RECNET, ADPC, ARUP, Adapt-Chile, ICL.

4 June, 9:30-11:30 CET
#3 WEBINAR Registration:
Delivering adequate infrastructure solutions implies an understanding of urban needs today and predicting what might be needed, and what we might be challenged with in the future. Defining ’adequate’ should rely on a clear appreciation of the extent of future disturbances we account for, the level of standards we build to, and the environmental, social and economic factors we include.
In this webinar we discuss the benefits of resilient infrastructure standards, the opportunities offered by radical infrastructure alternatives such as nature based solutions (NBS), and the need to reassess the role of critical infrastructure and interdependence between infrastructure sectors, in order to prepare and respond fast in moments of crises.
Simone Sandholz
Associate Academic Officer, United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
Jordi Morato
Founding Member of RECNET. Recycling the City Network
Coordinator at UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
Louis Downing
CEO, Global Infrastructure Basel (GIB) Foundation
Monica Pandele, MBA, MPA
Sustainability consultant
Presidio Graduate School