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IPBES-6 Conference in Medellín, Colombia from May 17-24th, 2018.


The intergovernmental scientific-normative platform on biological diversity and ecosystem services (IPBES), is celebrated in the city of Medellin, Colombia from May 17-24, 2018, with the participation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage research line of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability .

The IPBES secretariat aims to strengthen the science-policy interface through its four functions (evaluations, knowledge generation, policy support and capacity development).

The sixth Plenary session of the Platform (IPBES-6), has as its central objective to evaluate the state of biological diversity and ecosystem services at the global level, as well as to become a space for exchanges of experiences between governments and scientific institutions that allow build assessment instruments that provide timely information for decision making.

The research line of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability-Polytechnic University of Catalonia, has been invited to participate in the Stakeholder spaces, aimed at providing opportunities to a wide range of organizations and researchers, interested in receiving updates on the IPBES process, learn about the work programs and share the results of research on traditional indigenous knowledge on a global scale.

The event has the participation of the most important environmental agencies of Colombia such as the Ministry of the Environment, IIAP, the Humboldt Institute, among others, and it is expected that the summaries for decision makers of the 4 regional assessments will be approved (Americas, Africa , Asia Pacific, and Europe and Central Asia) and the assessment on land degradation and restoration, which are being developed within the framework of the Platform's 2014-2018 Work Program.

According to the strategy of stakeholder participation and in the context of the work program, IPBES stakeholders will act as contributors and final users of the Platform and will be individual scientists or knowledge holders, as well as institutions, organizations or groups working in the field of biodiversity, that could:

  1. Contribute to the activities of the work program through their experience, knowledge, data, information and experience in capacity building.

  2. Use or benefit from the results of the work program.

  3. Encourage and support the participation of scientists and knowledge holders in the work of the Platform.


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