ALIANZASapp mobile application aims to streamline and strengthen communication between territorial entities and participating communities of the Alliances project. This tool is designed to establish a direct connection with communities in the three basins of the Aburrá Valley, thus allowing efficient monitoring and evaluation of the project. Additionally, the application facilitates the conduct of surveys and provides a digital mailbox to receive complaints, suggestions, and feedback on the project's development.
The Alliances project, funded by the 2021 Global Justice Cooperation Program of the Barcelona City Council, aims to build partnerships for participatory governance over resilient and safe urban spaces. It involves the participation of local entities such as Empresas Publicas de Medellín (EPM), Secretaria de Media Ambiente de Medellín, the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley, Cuenca Verde, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano de Medellín (ITM), and the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability - UPC as the coordinating entity of the project.

One of the objectives of the project is to consolidate a territorial Alliance as a participatory governance model in urban-rural basins that is articulated in the territory through the co-design of resilient ecoinfrastructures suitable for climate and health emergencies, which are also instruments for the appropriation and recovery of degraded urban space, through dialogue and reconciliation among social and institutional actors. That is why the mobile application has been launched, with the purpose of facilitating communication and participation among interested parties.
The APP has been published with the UPC Digital Transformation account, and is available for Android on Google Play. In it, you can access information from the project's website, as well as a digital mailbox to receive comments, questions, and suggestions from users.
To access the APP, you can do so through the following link.