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New version of the meeting; Women, science and technology


The UNESCO Chair in Sustainability led for this congress by Beatriz Escribano, is part of the committee of the meeting. The version 2020 of the congress will be online.

Barcelona, ​​October 1 This Conference was establish as a continuation of the Women, Science and Technology Congress that took place on March 6 and 7, 2019 to demostrated and value the contributions of women who work in different disciplines, especially in the schools present on the campus of University Terrassa. In adittion, to promote access and participation of girls, girls and women in scientific and technological fields, and integrate the gender perspective in all spheres of the academic and educational field. A preview of the papers that will be debated in the Conference will be presented at the Conference of 2021 Congress with the projection of summary videos of each of the good practices in the three areas: Science and Technology, Health and Communication. Download the program at this link


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