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Online Workshop Accelerating Transition in Urban Areas


On May 11, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the UPC, the Association for the Sustainability and Progress of Societies (ASYPS), and the Recycle City Network (RECNET), invite you via videoconference on the Zoom platform, to the Workshop Accelerating the Transition in Urban Areas, framed in the 4th Report on the Situation and Evolution of the Circular Economy in Spain of the COTEC Foundation.

Taking into account the dynamism of the advances produced in the Circular Economy around the world, and in order to improve the analysis of the main barriers, facilitators, capacities and competencies of the municipalities, it is proposed to hold the Workshop for provincial capitals, and interested municipalities with the objective to analyze with national and international experts and business representatives, the main key actors to facilitate the transition.

To this end, Public Administration technicians are invited to participate, but also groups from Universities that are working on the topic.

The online workshop will be carried out using the videoconference and e-learning infrastructure provided by the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the UPC, the Association for Sustainability and the Progress of Societies (ASYPS), and the Reciclar Network City (RECNET), in order to obtain the maximum amount of information with an adequate time commitment, which can be assumed by the majority of participants.

The format will include two round tables, a) Barriers to transition, b) Facilitating conditions for transition for all participants and guests, with a total of 85 min. of duration. It consists of establishing a dialogue with national and international experts and stakeholders, to deepen the analysis of the main barriers and facilitating conditions for the transition in Urban Areas.

The Workshop will be structured according to the following 5 phases:


Metodología Participativa


Fase 1

20 min

Mesa redonda sobre barreras a la transición,

Moderador: Luis Jiménez, ASYPS


Carlos Martí, ICS Comunicación

Luis Jiménez, ASYPS

Fase 2

15 min

Dinámica participativa, contestando una batería de preguntas sobre barreras a la transición (10 min) utilizando la aplicación Mentimeter.

Fase grupal

Fase 3

20 min

Mesa redonda sobre facilitadores a la transición, Moderador: Jordi Morató, CATUNESCO

José Luis de la Cruz, ASYPS

Fase 4

15 min

Dinámica participativa, contestando una batería de preguntas sobre condiciones facilitadoras a la transición (10 min) utilizando la aplicación Mentimeter.

Fase grupal

Fase 5

15 min

Discusión sobre las principales conclusiones, mediante la participación de los asistentes (votando con Mentimeter)

Registration is free and can be accessed using the following form:

Questions or comments please contact:

Brent Villanueva

Tel. 937 39 86 69


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