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Red Recycling the City Network - RECNET


The network "Recycling the City. Rethinking the Transformation of Cities (RECNET)", currently formed by more than 90 entities from 11 different countries, was born with the aim of finding the collaboration of key stakeholders interested in rethinking the transformation of cities for a sustainable transition towards a more resilient socio-ecological systems.

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The main work axis of the RECNET Network is the promotion of PARTICIPATORY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, through the transfer of experiences, the promotion of socio-environmental actions and awareness-raising activities, which allow promoting, linking and articulating the empowerment of all the actors involved.

RECNET focuses on four main areas of work (energy, water, territory and biodiversity), aimed at key challenges that must be in constant innovation and research:

  1. Adaptation and mitigation of climate change

  2. Intangible Heritage

  3. Green Economy and circular

The main objective of RECNET is to create a network of institutions between Europe (EU) and Latin America (LA) for the development of social innovation, aimed at reducing the environmental impact of cities, by promoting appropriate mechanisms of social participation in transition towards the sustainable management of the territory.

The first formal event of the RECNET Network was carried out within the activities programmed in the World Urban Forum Medellin, Colombia, in the networking "Strategies of resilience for the sustainable local and regional development of cities", on Friday, April 11, 2014 , from 14 to 16 hours.

RECNET seeks the collaboration of key stakeholders in cities to rethink the sustainable transition towards more resilient social and ecological systems.

To process the adhesion to the network, you can send the adhesion form (for individual members) to the following email address:

Attached is the link where you can find the most updated version of the RECNET Network Constitution document: RED RECNET – Documento de Constitución

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