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RESDIBA III - Strengthening of technical capacities to improve the water and sanitary service


The project financed by the Diputación de Barcelona, developed during 2016, aims to strengthen local technical capacities for the improvement of water and sanitation management in the Municipality of Anta.

The project seeks to strengthen the technical capabilities of the Anta Provincial Municipality in order to make:

  1. Update of the Operational Plan for Water and Sanitation (POAS) for the Municipality of Anta

  2. Training and exchange of experiences with researchers of UNALM-UNESCOSOST / UPC to develop the construction project of a demonstration plant for the treatment of domestic wastewater in the town of Izcuchaca

  3. Generate strategic alliances with institutions and entities managing the water resources (RH) to consolidate the awareness program in environmental education in schools of Anta and Olesa de Montserrat.

Situation and problems of water management in the Provincial Municipality of Anta

The population of the town of Izcuchaca - Anta, is served by the Sanitation Services Management Unit administered by the Municipality of Anta. This unit registers 2,500 users with a population according to INEI 2007 of 12,000 inhabitants, in 2015 it was registered that the main source of drinking water supply Taccaco had a flow of 19 l / s currently this flow rate decreased due to water stress, registering a flow of 9 l / sec.

A determining factor is the age of the water distribution system of more than 40 years without any maintenance and intervention (there are no control valves). The commercial center of the city has continuous service while the peripheral areas have service restrictions - only for 2 hours- and almost 30% of localities do not have access to drinking water and it is supplied in containers supported by a motor-lift. On the other hand, the quality of the water has been improved with the use of chlorine gas, however the scarcity of water has increased.

On the other hand, the commercial area does not have a micro and macro measurement, the flat rate is US $ 1.7 per month with a non-performing loan ratio of 80% and weak environmental awareness (the use of the resource is not spared and in many cases it is retained in underground dams and elevated tanks to then use water for construction, car wash or simply wasted due to damage to valves and faucets).

On the other hand, the town of Izcuchaca (Anta) has no wastewater treatment, which is discharged directly into the Hatunmayo river and through the city, revealing the disarticulation of the planning and territorial planning processes with nature, denoting a high vulnerability to water quality and water regulation of the soil-vegetation system.

Local and global strategic framework

Management Unit of the Sanitation Services of the Provincial Municipality of Anta (Anta, Cuzco, Peru). Protected by the Supreme Decree that modifies the Single Order Text of the General Law of Sanitation Services D.S. N ° 031-2008-VIVIENDA, and the content of article 183 in which it indicates: in case the populated center has a population of two thousand one (2001) to fifteen thousand (15,000) inhabitants, the Municipality through the Management of Environmental Management and Sanitation Services, saw the need to create the Management Unit of the Sanitation Services UGEPSS - Anta, by Resolution of the Mayor's Office No. 0476-2015-A / MPA-SG issued on August 19, 2015 , said Unit is under the administration of the Management of Environmental Management and Sanitation Services according to the Organigram approved under Municipal Ordinance No. 002-2015-MPA / A, issued by the Municipal Council.

In the technical assistance, the following activities will be carried out:

I. Update the Operational Plan for Water and Sanitation in the Municipality of Anta (POAS), inclusive and participatory

  • Technical assistance for the updated formulation of the Operational Plan POAS.

  • Coordination with consultation tables and consultations with the population on the POAS Plan

II. Contribute to the transfer of knowledge through training to municipal technicians in wastewater treatment with wetlands built to exchange experiences with researchers UNALM-UNESCOSOST-UPC

  • Training, exchange and systematization of innovative experiences in wastewater treatment through constructed wetlands

  • Construction project of the domestic wastewater treatment system (constructed wetland) for the town of Pichoq and the town of Haparquilla

III. Generate strategic alliances with institutions and entities managing the water resource (RH) to consolidate the awareness program in environmental education in schools and neighborhoods

  • Preparation, edition, and validation of educational materials for the "Care of Water" in Anta and Olesa de Montserrat

  • Participatory workshops of educational institutions in "School Environmental Project", Anta and Olesa de Montserrat

IV. Theoretical-practical training in integrated water resources management in Barcelona

Theoretical-practical training of technical staff of the municipality of Anta and UNALM in the UNESCO Chair of Sustainability of the UPC. It is considered an exchange of experiences between the municipality of Anta and the Ajuntament d'Olesa de Montserrat.

Institutional visits in Barcelona Dec 2016

Institutional visits in Barcelona (Nov 22 - Dec 20, 2017)


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