"CIUDADES Resilentes: Repensar la transformación urbana" es una serie de libros editada por RECNET y publicada por Springer como una serie abierta.
La serie de libros RESILIENTE CITIES tiene como objetivo analizar los retos a los que se enfrentan las ciudades y proporcionar un conocimiento actualizado, incluyendo una recopilación sistemática de las mejores prácticas de vanguardia mundial, fundamentales para la gestión de la transición urbana hacia su capacidad de recuperación.
Las mejores prácticas se recopilan y analizan siguiendo un formato común, permitiendo al lector entender las soluciones adoptadas y resaltar claramente los parámetros y posibilidades de replicación y escalado. Las mejores prácticas se toman de una base de datos global que incluye ejemplos en todo el mundo.
El carácter diferencial de la serie de libros RESILIENTE CITIES es su dimensión internacional, con un enfoque multidisciplinar y transversal.
La serie de libros RESILIENTE CITIES es un recurso único y fundamental para profesionales, responsables políticos y científicos que participan en la planificación y gobernanza de la transición de las ciudades. Presenta la información más reciente y actualizada sistematizada sobre desarrollo de investigación, prácticas y políticas, definiendo medios y rutas claros para la replicación y la escalada.
The series will start with the publication of the following 7 thematic books:
BK1 – Urban Resilience for Risk and Adaptation Governance: lessons from the practices. (Scope and Topics in PDF)
BK2 – Urban Resilience: Methodologies, Tools and Evaluation. (Scope and Topics in PDF)
BK3 – Planning urban resilience: Strategies, Frameworks and Integrated Planning Approaches for the Urban Resilience Transition. (Scope and Topics in PDF)
BK4 – Contribution of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Traditional Knowledge to Urban Resilience. (Scope and Topics in PDF)
BK5 – Circular Urban Metabolism: Generating Co-Benefits Through Urban Resilience Transition. (Scope and Topics in PDF)
BK6 – Participation and Governance for Urban Resilience: Exploring Co-Evolution and Co-Design Approaches. (Scope and Topics in PDF)
BK7 –Climate Change and Healthy Cities – Approaching to a More Sustainable, Resilient and Smart City. (Scope and Topics in PDF)
We invite researchers and practitioners from a wide-range of disciplines and sectors to submit their contributions to these books, in the form of analytical and descriptive models, conceptual-based/literature review, empirical studies, case-based studies, and solution approaches that can effectively manage the complex challenges of urban resilience under the specific themes of the books.
We invite contribution in the following formats:
Articles (AR). The AR are aimed to advance the theoretical understanding of the specific themes, and to give an integrated overview of key issues and topics within the scope of the book. The articles will be between 5.000 and 7.500, words each. (template)
Case Studies – Long Format (CS-LF). The CS-LF are aimed to describe good practices, already realized or in advanced stage of completion, particularly using an integrated approach. The case studies CS-LF shall focus on lessons learned and on the potential for replication/upscaling. Each Case Studies will be between 5.000 and 7.500, words in total. (template)
All submitted contributions (articles and case studies) will be peer reviewed.
All manuscripts shall be submitted online, through Easy Chair. If you do not have an Easy Chair account, you must create one. Submissions received by email will NOT be considered.
Once you have an account go to: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wgcall1
Files uploaded must be in MS Word with file extension *.doc or *docx using the appropriate template, and following all submission instructions. For each submission you can upload one file only.
Click Start Submission button; enter your user name and password and submit your work.
When submitting your manuscript, you should clearly state the book and the topic for which you are submitting it.
All manuscript must be submitted using the appropriate template for articles (AR): 160705_ResCity_Book_Template_Article_v02_NT
Or for case studies long format (CS- LF): 160705_ResCity_Book_Template_CaseStudy_v02_NT
All the template sections must be dully filled, following the template instructions: 160705_ResCity_Book_InstructionsForSubmission_v03_BV
The “file name must” follow this format (please substitute the part in [brackets] as appropriate): ResilientCities_[Surname]_[Name]_[ Book number: BK1 or BK2 or etc]_[Topic number T1 or T2 or etc]_[Submission type: AR or CS-LF].doc(x)
For each submission you can upload one file only.
All submitted contributions (articles and case studies) will be peer reviewed.
Please note that:
All submissions must be original and unpublished.
Submission shall be in English (UK).
One contribution can be submitted for ONLY ONE SPECIFIC BOOK. But Authors can submit multiple different manuscripts for different books and topics.
Editors will communicate the first editorial decision to the authors, after the peer review process, which can result with the submission being accepted, accepted with minor corrections, accepted with major corrections or rejected. In case of acceptance with correction the re-submission will be peer reviewed before the second and final editorial decision is taken.
Book series enquiries: Nicola Tollin, Series corresponding editor. n.tollin@recitynet.org
General and submission enquiries: Teresa Moran, Programme Manager. info@resurbe.com
Thematic enquiries to book Corresponding editors : BK 1: Ombretta Caldarice. ombretta.caldarice@polito.it BK 2: Octavio Gonzalez. ogc@xanum.uam.mx BK 3: Johannes Hamhaber. johannes.hamhaber@th-koeln.de BK 4: Jordi Morato. jordi.morato@upc.edu BK 5: Waleed Montaser. waleed.montasser@ireems.co.uk BK 6: Teresa Moran. info@resurbe.com BK 7: Ernesto Santibanez. santibanez.ernesto@gmail.com