Within the framework of The Nature of Cities Festival (TNOC), UNESCOSOST in coordination with AARHUS University, CRHIAM from Chile, RECNET, la Universidad de la Salle, la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, la Universidad Federal de Bahia, la Universidad del Cauca, TdeA y Natura Network, lead the meeting "Benefits and opportunities of Nature-BAsed Solutions in Latin America".

Barcelona, February 26th
The meeting proposes an exchange of experiences around Nature-Based Solutions -NBS-. In addition, it seeks to put into perspective the advances, challenges and alliances that arise in the region around NBS.
The meeting will be structured in three large blocks. The first will deal with good practices of NBS in LAC with incredible experiences, some developed and coordinated from the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at UPC; the second will be focused on Lessons Learned from the participatory and community development of NBS and, finally, the debate will be centered about the Barriers and Facilitators to the development of NBS specially at urban scale.
Time Zones:
09:15 AM – 10:45 AM Tegucigalpa
10:15 AM – 11:45 AM Bogotá
12:15 PM – 13:45 PM Buenos Aires / Concepción / Salvador de Bahía /
16:15 PM – 17:45 PM Barcelona / Copenhague
Register for the event here: https://cvent.me/bO1nm5

Detailed programme here.
TNOC Festival has long supported free admission to promote inclusion and lower barriers for anyone who wants to join. To participate, send a message or visit the website.