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Start of the Nature-Based Solutions Diploma


Updated: Jul 16, 2024

On October 8th, 2022, the Diploma NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS FOR THE REDUCTION OF VULNERABILITY IN URBAN WATERSHEDS AND AS A RESPONSE TO THE CLIMATE, HEALTH AND FOOD EMERGENCY began by videoconference, with the participation of 254 registered participants.

The Diploma is a product from the project "Alliances for Climate and Health Emergency in the Valle de Aburrá, Colombia, financed within the Global Justice call of the Barcelona City Council, ​​coordinated by the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and the Metropolitan Institute of Medellín (ITM), and with the participation of the Technological University Institution of Antioquia, the Corporation of Gardeners of Moravia, the local authority of the Metropolitan Area from ​​the Aburra Valley, the Municipal Mayor's Office of Medellín, Corantioquia, EPM and RECNET.

Participatory governance, culture of peace and ecological transition are the most outstanding lines of work that will allow the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and its allies such as RECNET to promote safe and resilient environments in the territory based on creative economy and solidarity in the area of ​​influence of the project.

In this way, the project will take place in three (3) urban basins at the Aburra valley: Quebrada Doña Maria, Quebrada la Iguaná and Quebrada Santa Elena, previously selected by Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) and the Medellín Mayor's Office, and which have been prioritized in the inter-institutional framework agreement Nuestro Rio and in the Plan Quebradas of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Valle de Aburra.

More information in: Project Web Page


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