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"SURENEXUS" Project on the Management of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus in the Mediterranean Region


The SureNexus project made up of 15 partners from 7 Mediterranean countries (Spain, Greece, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt), with the coordination of the UNESCO Chair of Sustainability of the UPC ESEIAAT Campus, seeks to ensure a fair transition of the water nexus -energy-food for adaptation to climate change and sustainable development based on assembled systems of nature and bioeconomy.

SureNexus will support informed and evidence-based decision-making for a just transition towards climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as sustainable development that enhances the implementation of the NEXUS Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) approach. SureNexus will extend and disseminate it in the different key sectors on a local/regional scale.

The project will consist of small-scale demonstration sites for promising innovative transformational solutions, and will evaluate their productivity and value to the local community, driving technology adoption and mindset change. Integrated tools will be tested in four innovative laboratories in Spain, Greece, Morocco and Israel, as well as engaging the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computational Modeling in SureNexus to establish a transdisciplinary validation and verification methodology.

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