On January 18, 2018, one of the prototypes of a biological treatment plant for nitrate control, developed from the LIFE REAGRITECH project, was transferred to IRTA Torre Marimon, in order to continue checking the efficiency of these systems with effluents of high concentration of nitrates
On January 18, 2018, the prototype treatment wetland of the REAGRITECH project, Regeneration and reuse of runoff water and drainage of agricultural plots from the combination of natural treatment systems (LIFE + 11 ENV / ES / 579), located in Bellvis, Lleida, was transferred to the facilities of Torre Marimón of the Agrifood Research and Technology Institute (IRTA for its acronym in Catalan) in Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona.
The innovative wetland treatment -compact, modular and mobile built within maritime containers with funds from the LIFE + program of the European Union- aims to reduce the amount of nitrates present in the water to be later used in the irrigation of agricultural plots. In the case of the Bellvis wetland, which uses cork as a filtering medium, it presents removals between 80 and 99% for input loads of up to 20 grams per day.
The collaboration between the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability and IRTA, where joint research lines are shared to promote the sustainable development of the agricultural sector, will allow to continue with the REAGRITECH project and in particular the operation of one of the project's treatment wetlands and optimize the first results obtained.