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UNESCOSOST alliances in Honduras


Updated: May 11, 2020

Urban planning, floating cities and good practices for the construction industry, were the topics that occupied the Chair's agenda during the visit to the Central American country.

Barcelona, ​​March 6

Honduras becomes the first country in Central America to give viability to an urban planning strategy that includes the design and implementation of floating cities. A strategy that involves coordination and synergy between the public sector, academia and international organizations. Jordi Morató, director of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability, participated as a speaker at the "First International Congress on Urbanism and Floating Cities for Environmentally Sustainable Development,‘ WeFloat Honduras 2020 ". The vision of the WeFloat Honduras 2020 project aims to transform the country's tourism and infrastructure sector by integrating sustainability criteria. The mentioned event was celebrated in the Central American Technological University (UNITEC) of San Pedro de Sula, and through the participation of Jordi Morató by the presentation "Ecotechnologies for Sustainable Management of Water and Climate Emergency", was possible to analize the highlights in the global context that guarantee the applicability and success of the project according to the environment and local conditions. Furthermore, the director of UNESCOSOST received recognition from the Honduran National Congress for the support received in the implementation of good practices in the construction sector. This contributes to strengthening the cooperation between this country and the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability, which have already given their first results for the realization of a direct project counsulting on water issues. Our Organization is optimistic about this project with a Honduran seal based on cooperation, innovation and co-design. In addition, it welcomes the efforts of the country to strengthen its environmental management policies, specifically those related to water and around the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals -ODS-.


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