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Circular Economy, new publication


Updated: May 7, 2020

The book "Spiral Circular Economy, Transition to a closed economic metabolism", coordinated by Luis M. Jimenez Herrero and Elena Pérez Lagüela, aims to favor the transition towards paradigms of sustainable progress based on the inheritances of a world established at the base of the Linear Economy (take, manufacture, consumption, waste generation). The analysis of the text in terms of sustainability clarifies the debate around the “environmental climate emergency”.

Barcelona, ​​May 5, 2020 "Is not true that everything can be recycled because there are thermodynamic and economic limits, since the processes take place in a 'spiral loop' system that involves a certain dissipation of the materials through their use", is one of the theses developed by the publication throughout the collaboration of various scientific authors distributed among ten articles which are part of the book. The text is also divided through four thematic sections: Conceptual analysis of the Circular Economy; Strategic and operational aspects of the Circular Economy; the Circular Economy Perspectives with applications to cases in Spain, the EU and other countries. The UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the UPC participates in this publication through an article called, “Situation and Comparative Evolution of the Circular Economy in Spain and Latin America. Analysis of actors and good practices in Mexico and Colombia ”, by Jordi Morató, Director of the UNESCO Chair, and the collaborators Brent Villanueva and Nicola Tollin, professor in Southern Denmark University. This publication joins the group of collaborations that UNESCOSOST developed, focused on the Circular Economy, specifically in the publication designed for the analysis of the state of the art linked with Circular Economy in Spain, edited by the COTEC Foundation for Innovation.

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Asociación para la Sostenibilidad y el Progreso de las Sociedades (ASYPS), Miguel Yuste, 16, 2º A, 28037- Madrid; +34 91510 6381


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