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Water: innovation, technology and best practices


Updated: Jun 13, 2019

In the UNESCO Water Conference 2019 meeting, the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the UPC, have shared the experiences related to water practicies in South America and Europe.

Jordi Morató, coordinator UNESCO Chair on Sustainability attended UNESCO Water Conference

Terrassa, May 15

"In the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability we have worked for the efficient management of water by linking technological innovation, citizen participation and technical knowledge related to adaptation to Climate Change," says Jordi Morató, coordinator of the Chair.

Technological Appropriation, Participatory Transformation projects, the establishment of the Network for Innovation and the Circular Economy, are some strategic objectives that the researchers of the Chair have developed with a system of water focused on pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals.

The projects have been implemented in different countries from Latin America, such as Brazil and Colombia and Europe, in coordination with more than 15 UNESCOSOST joining offices with the purposue to generate the technical capacities related for each established intervention processes, including those in other countries of the region such as Mexico, Argentina and Peru.


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