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Workshop: Circular Economy, fashion or necessity?


This coming Tuesday, October 17, the Workshop on Circular Economy will be held virtually, organized by the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley and the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the UPC.

The event will feature the participation of various national and international actors and experiences, who are already promoting the transition towards the circular economy in their territories. Below, we provide some generalities in this regard:

What is the OBJETIVE? Share knowledge and exchange experiences between Europe and Latin America to promote progress towards the circular economy in the cities and companies of the Aburrá Valley Metropolitan Area.

When is? October 17, 2023

What time? 8:00 am. to 12:30 m.

What interest group is it aimed at? Community, territorial entities, companies and academia.

Virtual mode

Enter the form and confirm your attendance before October 14:

Thank you for being part of the transition towards the circular economy in the Aburrá Valley!


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