The Interinstitutional Workshop "Ancestral Ecotechnologies for Climate Emergency. Revitalization of the Zenú Hydraulic System" will take place this January 29 in the Cultural Area of the Bank of the Republic in Monteria.

Place: Cultural Area - Banco de la Republica. Cl 29 #2-32, Montería
Hour: 9:00 - 13:00 h
Allied Institutions: UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UNESCOSOST-UPC); Córdoba University - Maestría en Ciencias Sociales (UNICOR); Recycling the City International Network (RECNET); Guartinaja Community; Asociación Colombiana de Ganadería Regenerativa (ACGR); Fundación Santa Isabel (FSI); Fundación Caribe Vivo (FUCAVI); Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB); Asociación de Productores y Artesanos Agroecologicos de Purísima (APROPAPUR); Asociación de Productores para el Desarrollo Comunitario de la Ciénaga Grande del Bajo Sinú (ASPROCIG); Corpomexión; Centre de Cooperació al Desenvolupament - UPC (CCD);
In recent years, projects in the Mojana region have been developing projects based on climate funds such as the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund, where Zenú hydraulic structures have been recognized as a tool for adaptation. In spite of all the hydrological, climatic, social and economic information collected in the region, it is considered important to analyze the feasibility, the barriers and the opportunities for implementation, the effectiveness as solutions for adaptation, and their inclusion as multifunctional tools, for the diffuse pollution management, food security, flood and drought control, among others. And finally, analyze application scenarios in other contexts, including their adaptation to urban areas, as well as other regional and climatic contexts.
The project is based on the context of climate emergency and the growing concerns about new models of temperature variability that suggest tougher conditions on tropical regions comparing to other areas due to global warming.
An ecotechnological prototype for the revitalization of the Zenú hydraulic system will be co-designed, through the A-GSCE methodology (Social Appropriation-Generation of Ecotechnological Knowledge) focused on a Mojana community (Department of CÓRDOBA -Colombia), as a nature-based solution (NBS) for adaptation to climate emergencies, and especially to flood and drought control problems.
It will be explored how zenu channels can be used both for flood control and for the management of diffuse pollution. In addition, the interaction and combination of the channels with other ecotechnologies, such as treatment wetlands and / or vegetation strips (buffer-strips) among others, will be analyzed.

The proposal “Ancestral Ecotechnologies for Climate Emergency. Revitalization of the Zenú Hydraulic System” is built with the general objective of Cultural Heritage rescue of the Zenu Hydraulic channels and adapting it to the current context, based on a participatory process of appropriation and co-design of nature-based solutions (NBS) for a sustainable risk management of climate in the Mojana region, and strengthening the networks of social actors.
It is hoped in this way to contribute to the increase of socio-ecological resilience of the Mojana region and strengthen the traditional knowledge of rural communities associated with water cycles, but at the same time, assess and analyze the viability of zenú hydrotechnologies. as appropriate technologies for a global climate emergency context.
In order to articulate the rescue and appropriation, a series of co-design workshops will be developed in the Mojana intervention area, with the participation of the Guartinaja community. The workshops will conclude with the realization of an ecotechnology pilot based on ancestral zenú constructions, using vegetation from the region.

The first results of the workshops and the realization of the ecotechnology pilot will be presented in an inter-institutional forum, in the city of Montería, with the presence of most stakeholders in the region, thus fulfilling our mission of capacity building and dialogue of knowledges.
Workshop Program: Download