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World Wetland Day


The next February 2, the world day of wetlands is commemorated with the motto: "Wetlands for a sustainable urban future".

Paraje natural desembocadura del Guadalhorce (Málaga)

World Wetlands Day is commemorated every year on February 2, the date on which the Ramsar Convention was signed in 1971, protecting wetlands of international importance. With a total of 74, Spain is the third country in number of Ramsar wetlands after the United Kingdom and Mexico.

In 2018, the Wetlands Day is dedicated to urban wetlands, those that live with us in cities and towns. They are fundamental and make our environment more livable.

Wetlands are vital for life. It is one of the most productive environments in the world, housing an extremely important biological diversity, and providing for water and resources on which countless species of plants and animals depend to survive and thrive. Among them, the human being. In addition, they help us to prevent and adapt to climate change.

According to scientific studies, 64% of wetlands have disappeared from the planet since 1900. The figure rises to 87% if the loss is calculated from 1700. In Spain, 80% of freshwater habitats are in an unfavorable state of conservation. And it can be much worse. SEO / BirdLife has analyzed the threats that affect the three most important wetlands in the country -Doñana, Delta de l'Ebre and l'Abufera de Valencia-, and concludes that their current situation may be irreversible if they do not act quickly.

The UNESCO Chair on Sustainability has an extensive experience in the design, construction and management of treatment wetlands, constituting one of the most active research lines.

For more information, consult the following link:


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