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X Congress on Legionella and Environmental Quality


The next 18 and 19 April 2023, at the Terrassa Municipal Auditorium, but also online, the tenth edition of the National Legionella and Environmental Quality Congress will take place.

This congress maintains the objective established in its first edition held in February 2004: to be a space for debate where new developments in legislation, prevention, training and protection regarding this disease are addressed.

The devices or equipment most at risk of spreading this disease in the environment are not only industrial cooling towers, which are systematically responsible for most cases of legionella. There are also air humidifier systems inside buildings, hot and cold sanitary water systems (networks, tanks, boilers, cisterns, etc.), hospital facilities and collective use facilities (showers, hotels, saunas, spass, etc.), thermal installations and moving heated swimming pools. There are many systems that must be controlled and monitored, in order to avoid the dispersion of the responsible microorganism in our environment.

Also very important, there is an environmental aspect that is increasingly important: the indoor environment. That is, the environment in which people spend around 60% of their working and domestic life. In this sense, vindictive tendencies that aim to rigorously manage environmental quality inside buildings and facilities are being implemented more and more, all basing this action on safety, prevention, comfort and image criteria, with individual and collective manifestations that they necessarily influence the business, union and media spheres.

Program and all the information: Here


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